Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Victoria Bitter now for sale in San Francisco!

I'm pleased to report VB is now being sold exclusively (for the meantime) at Cellar360, which is a store owned/operated by Fosters at Ghiradelli Square in San Francisco.
You can get some more info on all the details at www.victoriabitter.net



Dishwasher_Safe said...

Ok, these people inform me that they cannot ship VB to anybody... What I'd like to know is, what distributor is Cellar360 going through? Maybe I can inform a beer distributor in my area to buy from the same place? There must be a way to get VB to the east coast!.. even if i'm paying $12 a six pack, which is oddly enough what it costs in Australia. I know it would be very expensive to buy over here for a beer that is deemed "the working man's beer" but i dont care. I would like to have VB in my hand by summertime.

There must be a way

Jonathan said...

My friends and I took a spur of the moment trip to San Francisco to have Victoria Bitter at Cellar 360. Planned on Friday afternoon, plane trip on Saturday morning, back on Sunday morning. I used to live in Australia for two years in the early 90's and this is what you came to drink, only after you made it past Fosters, EMU, Swan, XXXX, Carlton and Red Back. Cellar 360 is what you would expect from the name a wine cellar. The VB was warm and not cold and they only carried stubbies. No cans or 750 ml bottles to be had. Yes the price was typical of any place that might serve beer; however you got no real discount for carry out. If you think you want to make the trip, expect to pay $4 a beer, 12 bucks for a 6 pack, and $38 dollars a case. Shipping in southern california runs about $38 dollars as well. So if you get it shipped expect to pay $76 a case. Now to the atmosphere of the place. The place had a wine tasting counter of where you could buy the VB; however don't get to comfy at the counter, as there are no chairs and they most likely will only let you have 3-4 beers at the most; which was sad at best. Then they kind of politely request that you come back another day. I figured for my trip to this place, I could expect a great day drinking ice cold VB. Instead what I got was a luke warm beer. The trip was worth it; however next time I am driving to forgo the hassle of trying to get beer home. For now I will savor my 12 pack until my next trip.

Freakshow said...

This is madness I tell you! My wife is Autralian, been here 11 years up in Oregon. I have made about 4 trips to Australia where her brother caused my addiction to VB and Bundy (the bear doesn't travel eigher). Now I can't get either! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

What is the reason that this Cellar360won't ship VB? I'll be damned if I am going to fly to California for warm VB! Has anyone tried to contact VB directly? That beer is so awesome, I can't believe that it isn't worth importing.

Hellllllllp! Life is not worth living!!! lol

Freakshow said...

This is madness I tell you! My wife is Autralian, been here 11 years up in Oregon. I have made about 4 trips to Australia where her brother caused my addiction to VB and Bundy (the bear doesn't travel eigher). Now I can't get either! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

What is the reason that this Cellar360won't ship VB? I'll be damned if I am going to fly to California for warm VB! Has anyone tried to contact VB directly? That beer is so awesome, I can't believe that it isn't worth importing.

Hellllllllp! Life is not worth living!!! lol

Monkey, Tweet & Mr Squeaks said...

I have only just arrived into the US from Australia and found the 360 website needless to say I nearly cried when I saw that they will NOT ship it - how crazy is that, as they could make a total killing on sales.

I know SO many Americans that LOVE this beer as it is like NOTHING they have here .... shame on Cellar 360 I am totally outraged!!!

Greg said...

I've bought a sixer here already - this place hooked up the entire Australian consulate, apparently...they can't ship this stuff due to US laws...what's interesting is that the VB bottles are the ONLY ones that have the US legalisms and the CA redemption value on them - nothing for other states, etc. So the bottles really are unique.

mogleih said...

@Freakshow... You can get Bundy shipped here! I have been buying it for the last three years and having it shipped to my house! The best site I found was http://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-4446.aspx. They have O.P. and U.P. It runs a little high so beware!

Bob V said...

Victoria Bitter is NO LONGER for sale in San Francisco.
Everyone, please, check the date of these Comments.
The Cellar360 shop in Giradelli Square in S.F. no longer exists.
This company no longer imports VB.
Could the blogger please update this blog? There has been a lot of time and energy wasted chasing this out-of-date "info" and we still have no idea how to get VB into the USA!